Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Pidgeon of Trevi

What comes to mind when you think of the Trevi Fountain of Rome?

Do you envision romance,,

Well, imagine this if you can...

It is a hot September day in Rome. The sun beats down on the throngs of noisy people as they jostle for positon along a glistening pool that holds the world's most famous fountain.

And there I am, at the destination of my dreams.

And yet, it is not the woundrous fountain that has captured my imagination.

Rather, I stand as still as a statue swept up in the vision of a singular pidgeon who has settled atop a small island of stone just above the cool waters edge.

With head tucked under wing, it dozes blissfully unaware of the noisy chattering crowds, the gushing fountain, the smells, warm breezes, and hot sun.

Refusing to succomb to the Trevi madness, this winged creature has decided to follow it's own bliss.

After some time, I walked away from the fountain, content in the knowledge that this bird will never know of my presence.

And so, what crosses my mind when I think of the Trevi Fountain?

Two lessons well learned.

1 comment:

  1. Lessons learned are to know bliss and when a pigeon ignors you, consider staying longer at the fountain.

    Nice post, nice visuals, nice you have dreams come true. Thank you for your post, Doris. ox
