Monday, May 31, 2010

The Joy of Ice Cream

I loved my grandmother very much. She knew instinctively what it took to make and keep my happy. Ice cream was one of those ways.

When I was a little girl, she would quietly take me to one side, look around to see if anyone was watching, then slip some money into my hands. Then she would whisper so to ensure that no one would hear...

“This is for ice cream,” she said with an urgent whisper,
“don’t tell your grandfather.”

With an obeying nod, I solemnly gave her my promise that no one would ever know.

Yes, I loved ice cream, but grandmother loved ice cream even more. My aunt always giggled at how after she came to visit with the family for several weeks, grandmother always left a little rounder than when she first arrived. I have no doubt that this stemmed from sharing her love of ice cream with all her grandchildren.

So, now that she is no longer with us, and has been taken up to heaven, I cannot help but wonder if she is in any way able to get hold of a double dip.

As Christians, we were always taught that “God will provide.” Some would say that God will provide us with our needs, but I tell you, that for my grandmother, ice cream remains a necessity.

So, when I get to heaven, I fully expect her to eventually take me quietly aside. Then, like before, she will slip some money into my hands and with that familiar urgent whisper say to me ...

“This is for ice cream... don’t tell God!”

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