Tuesday, June 1, 2010

With Rings On Her Fingers...

I’ve never really been one for jewelry.

Whenever my eyes catch a shiny and expensive ring or necklace which costs over a thousand dollars, I find myself thinking...

“Gee..., with that, we could go and visit mother, spend a week in Gettysburg or Nashville, or maybe even see Rome again.”

To me, that’s the stuff which life is made up of ... good memories! Bonus points for each family member that you can include in your travels.

So, for those reasons, I doubt that I will ever own a big diamond ring.


Because, it has become clear to me that I cannot have my carat & travel too!

Anyway, I do wear two rings which are of personal significance to me.

One is a blue sapphire ring given to me by my mother on my seventeenth birthday. She had purchased it for herself when I was a little girl, and I always loved the way it sparkled whenever she wore it. Now it is mine, and a continual reminder to me of how very much my mother and I love each other.

The second ring as a Star Sapphire which I sought out and purchased for myself. I was determined to have a ring just like the one my father wore as an enduring keepsake to his memory. The star which becomes visible in the light reminds me of how he taught me to appreciate and share his love of the starry cosmos. He bought me my first set of binoculars when I was six. Together, we mapped out neighboring suns and galaxies. He showed me how to find the north star. Further, the blue stone is also reminiscent of his steely blue eyes which I got to know very well. They never ceased to glitter in both good and bad times.

Both of these rings are worn together upon my ring finger of my right hand.

Although divorced separated my parents, the rings reside there together as one.

I like to keep mother’s sapphire topside, so that it continues to dazzle me whenever my eyes fall upon it, just like it did when I was a little girl.

The star sapphire is turned inward, palm side. I keep it there so that each time I open my right hand, I will find my own personal and very beautiful star waiting within.

And so....

“With rings on her fingers
and bells on her prose,
she shall have starlight
wherever she goes.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

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